View Profile Leedove
Leedove - A writer, singer, designer, pastry chief, and teacher. Or at least her dreams are these when she leaves college. Her disposition is neutral meaning, prefers the light and dark; which are expressed through her personality and creative thinking...

Sarah Juliano @Leedove

Age 29, Female


High School

League City, Texas

Joined on 6/2/08

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1,050 / 1,110
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Thank you. That was a awesome Youtube video. Yeah I love to watch those, they send me and my sister into a laughing fit. :)

im kinda iffy on getting skyward sword, ill prob rent it first

That's what a lot of people at my high school said they're going to do. It's probably a good idea, but I'm going to buy it. What if I like the game and what the real version, just a lot of time wasted for me. Eh heh. But then again that's just me. Your idea's probably the best, the censor is a bit ify though. What makes you want to rent it first?

and spicking of youtube videos

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/ganon95pulze?feature=mhum#p/a/u/2/VyzZGi68dLM">http://www.youtube.com/user/ganon95pu lze?feature=mhum#p/a/u/2/VyzZGi68dLM</a>


Yeah, that's really epic! Where do you get your talent I must ask. The intro is jazzy yet popping. It's really awesome!

i originally just wanted to test out the instrument used for the bass then it just kinda took off and became a summer-based song :P

Nice... yeah. It sounds so mellow, but really cool and poppy. That's why I like your genre of music that you make. I don't know what it's called. Make a name for it.

Hai. Its cool youre writing a book, too. You say youre on chapter 5? Im on chapter 4, but I think my chapters are really... short. Only like 4-5 pages per. Well, anywayz, good luck on writing yours and getting it published! I doubt I could do it myself, but its something to think about.

Skyward Sword looks fun, too. :D

Thanks. No chapter 6, I finished chapter 5. Yeah, mine too... but I plan on making them longer in my second draft. You too! Yeah, short pages are alright, Tale of Two Cities is like that. You could do it, if you don't doubt yourself and really want to. Heh heh, yeah can't wait for it to come out this year.

Its been so long. I'm glad that one of my old friends is still here. ^_^o

Thanks, it's been a long time. So glad I'm back with some friends.

glad 2 see you back friend :D

Glad to hear from you again! ;)

Yep. :D

So how have you been?

Oh, also, check this out. I finally made a video and Im excited. Its really nothing special, but I like it. Its a Minecraft video of my house! :D

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdZE81l80is">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdZE81 l80is</a>

That's a very interesting game so far. What do you plan on working on next for it?

Im doing well, its just been extremely boring around here.

Well, right now Im working on a greenhouse, which is nearly done. I need to add a glass roof, and complete. Ive made some changes to my house, as well, but I dont know If Ill be able to make another video cause my parents get pissed at technology,, so whenever the computer runs slowly they like to blame it on me. They made me uninstall HyperCam, so if I make another one, Ill have to do it quickly and quietly.

Hey, really?

Sweet! Greenhouse are good for the environment. LOL Wow! Why... you know what I rather not ask. Oh I see, well... do it while they're out of the house then. Yeah... that would be a good idea... maybe try doing it in the middle of the night. :P

Good idea. :D
Ill try to download Fraps again(despite the 30 second videos) and add annotations n stuff so it can be viewed nicely. :D

Well, howve things been for you?

Nice! That would be really cool. Pretty good. Not much going on lately. Still haven't cleaned all my sites, so busy to.

Just questioning: Do you have any ideas for one of the three sections in my posts, I'm kinda lagging a bit. lol

Busy = Never fun. Sorry to hear it. D:

Well, maybe you could post something video-game-ish, if youre still into them. Or maybe you could make one that goes into detail about how awesome I am. :3

Oh, and yes, Flight is a fun game. :D

My god, how long has it been? I missed you T_T Hope you don't get away again, makes me sad each time you go :(

Well, i'l know to enjoy it this time xD So how have you been? Im adding you to Facebook, Lucio Spagnoletti, check the photos if you want to see my face, but i look kinda weird >_<

Oh, by that i mean my face itself, not a weird pose i did :P

No problem keeping my faith. :P

Not dead yet, but close. :P

She is in Facebook now, not coming here anymore. Go here if you want to be her friend:

<a href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000541796577">http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?i d=100000541796577</a>

Damn. You're probably gone again. T^T

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