View Profile Leedove
Leedove - A writer, singer, designer, pastry chief, and teacher. Or at least her dreams are these when she leaves college. Her disposition is neutral meaning, prefers the light and dark; which are expressed through her personality and creative thinking...

Sarah Juliano @Leedove

Age 29, Female


High School

League City, Texas

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
1,050 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.24 votes
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field trips cancelled always made me rather angry.
lol! my friend's a hypochrondriac! he gets a sore throat and he thinks he has cancer.
you certainly spend a while typing these. are you a fast typer?

Yes, it does me too!
I'm not that bad!
Yeah, I guess I do, huh?
Yeah, I can type without looking at the keyboard and correctly.
I memorized were all the keys are.

aww, burn, I'm not on your "friends list"?!?
well fine, I'm taking you off my hug scheduled

Sorry about that.
I had you on my contacts but had forgot to add you to the friend's list.
I was in a big hurry too, so...
Sorry again.

So how are you?

u can either be sakura,tenten,hinata, or temari casue those are the girls.

Tenten isn't to bad.
I think I'll choose her.

^ who me?

No, I was being part of this Naruto clan.
So I'm picking a character to be.

What a cute picture! ^-^ Good luck in the sleepover.

Also, C to the Email thingy :P

Thanks! ^_^
I found it from this friend of ZU.
Thanks, it was great!
Cool beans.

Woo! I'm on the list...
all is right with the world :P

Sure are! ^_^

Hey! Hows it goin? I havnt heard from you in a while. And I havnt done much...

I got myself a Youtube, so add me on that. Add me on RS too, if you want.

I rescently got a DSlite with NSMB, so I might get Spirit Tracks later, maybe for Christmas. I wont buy anything anytime soon cause I spent most of my money on the DS and NSMB.

Lol on ST you can use a whip. Thats hilarious.

Sounds like youve had fun the past few days.

PS you spelled "poll" wrong. You heard me. R-O-N-G wrong!


Not to bad.
Me neither.
Me too... well sort of.

I will add you to YT: what's your username.
I will add you to RS: what's your username.

You definitely should!
I finished the game, it was awesome!
I spent mine of Christmas gifts for everyone, lol.

Indiana Jones away!

I most certainly have, I can't wait for Friday either.

I'll fix it.

cute picture

Someone from Zelda Universe had let me save it.
So in other words it isn't mine.

i'm quite fine thanks for asking.

i must say, looking over your art, it's a lot better than mine, i think i'm gonna ask my friend Trace to help me learn to draw.

Hey, no problem!

Not really, though I am doing better.
That would be cool.

So anything new.

Yea, I wanna get Spirit Tracks. I just saw the X-Play review, a 4 of 5. Thats alright, I guess.

On RS, its KingZant.
On YT, its 1KingZant. I try to use Kingzant or Zant for everything, but its always taken. D:

You should!
It's cool isn't it?

Cool, I'll add you next time I get on.
Sorry about that.
Mine is NGLeedove.
I can't seem to find you on YT, can you find me?

yeah, the only Zelda's iv'e played are Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and A Link to the Past.

That's... a small amount.
Well, what did you think of them?

they were awesome!

for me, it's a real toss up between Wind Waker or Twilight Princess.

both of them are so good!

Super cool!
How come?
That's true!
Though I like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both for different reasons each.
Therefore it's even between both.

Ill try to find ya.

Thanks... :( Sorry I'm a pain all the time.

I found your page and posted a comment there. You should be able to find me from there.

Super cool.
I'll talk to you then.