View Profile Leedove
Leedove - A writer, singer, designer, pastry chief, and teacher. Or at least her dreams are these when she leaves college. Her disposition is neutral meaning, prefers the light and dark; which are expressed through her personality and creative thinking...

Sarah Juliano @Leedove

Age 29, Female


High School

League City, Texas

Joined on 6/2/08

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im back! thanks for puting me at the top of the list!

Your name does come first in the alphabet.

OMIGAWSH you play Runescape? Kewl.

My favorite bosses would have to be Morpheel, Zant(of course :3), and the Ganondorf swordfight all from TP. Ive played and beaten OOT and WW, but the TP ones are the best.

Check my page too.

These guys arent too good at making creative boss names. I think Gohma is on there like five times.

Thanks, I'm glad a few people know what it is.

LOL I agree. Gigi6676 chose the one that use to say 100.
And you'll never guess how many times I've beaten all the LOZ games, ever created.
Go ahead guess!
29 times!

Super cool.

I think so too, a lot of them are reused a lot.
Yeah, that's why I had to put the game names on there too.

My favorite boss is Dark Link, i don't know why, he is the most challenging.

Alsou, i think that magic on Zelda games has been lost with Spirit Tracks... i mean, a train? I thought it was a fantasy world >_<

Sweet, I'll put it up there.

Well kinda.
I mean I agree with what your saying, but...
Let's put it like this, if you've seen the back story of Spirit Tracks you would see what is so MAGICAL about the game.

huh i never seen the commercial yet lol looks cool i need to get it haha.
i was reading up on spiret tracks also and it seems that this isnt a prequal to wind waker anymore its set 100 years after :/ lol whats weird is that Niko (the one pirate form wind waker) is actually in this game and is himself and still alive idk how haha ive seen more artwork for this game too and it seems they really put alot of time into it, more time then phantom hourglass haha. and i swear if i have to go back in to sumthing like the Ocean King Temple thing like in phantom hourglass im gonna be so pissed haha. and yah id have to say that my favorite boss is all 4 forms oof gannon in twilight princess. i love how long it takes to beat him and its a fun fight to fight. i also really got to get to work on Majoras Mask sadly i havnt beaten it yet :( haha well sorry for leaving such a long reply haha ill see you later :D

LOL Would be a cool thing to get.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but it could be Zelda and Links kids, you never know.
Therefore it still could be a sequel.
I know, I noticed that too.
A lot of people are bummed about that.
Yep, I do like the art, though I was going to post more, but I can only do one photo at a time.
I know!
I hated the Ocean King Temple.
Though if you heard about the Podcast for Zelda Universe, I heard this months.
They got a huge load of information about the game, therefore I heard that the Spirit Tower, is nothing like the Ocean King Temple.
What I mean is we won't have to keep repeating all the steps in the temple.
I agree, ganondorf is very cool to fight in TP!
I've beaten all the LOZ games ever created 29 times already!
I really need to stop, huh?
I love long replys keep me busy.
Plus it let's me know if my post's are good or not.
Okay then.

Il see it tomorrow (Im going to sleep) , see ya!

Sleep tight then.

haha ur welcome :D i need to hear info on zelda 2010 for wii lol im so excited for it!

I will get on that for this Saturday.

My question is what does Serendipity mean? Also, I saw the commercial in the movies...lol

where is it at, I might have misspelled or connected to words together.
It's good isn't it!?

haha idk theres so little info bout zelda 2010 for wii nintendos trying to keep it that way till E3 2010 lol

Well, I'll share what little I do know on the topic on Saturday.
Yeah, I know what you mean...
Nintendo is having it rough with all the negative comments.

Some people think that Spirit Tracks kinda making the series look bad. I think the bigger boat idea in PH and now the train are kinda improvements. That just means that Hyrule is getting a bit more technologically advanced. But at the same time, it kinda is losing the magic...

Well, it depends how you look at it.

Spirit Tracks is supposed to take place about a century later? That might explain why all the waters gone... But Link and Zelda look that same. I also see Bonzo, I think thats his name, in the picture. Um... Im confuzzled. Its just game magic, I guess. Damn paradox...

How come?
I do too, some people don't realize that the medieval time lasted only in the 1500's.
Anyway, they kinda need to get out of the phase and go into a new age theme.
I like it like that anyway.
Sort of, though we haven't played all the game yet, so we don't really know if there is magic in it or not.


That's true as well.
Yeah, it all dried up, and if you realize that the map looks identical too the WW map.
Therefore it means that Hyrule Castle in WW is the same one in ST.
Though, they said it isn't a sequel to the games, maybe we're wrong all the way around.
True very true.
Then again he always does.
Yeah, I noticed that too, maybe it's his decedent too!
Yeah theories screw every thing up.

I also wish theyd make a game that is on the Wii again. Like a sequel to Twilight Princess. Why not? They have two Wind Waker sequels. Maybe WW was just more popular... meh.

Well, they did say they were going to.
I'll talk about it more on Saturday.

Hey.. I haven't been in awhile and Thought I say hey.. Thanks for your message it cheered me up. Happy Thanksgiving!( Kinda late but eh whatever)

How are you?
Your welcome, thought I should say it to every one.
Even though I screwed up and said it to Canadians or people who don't celebrate TG.
Yeah, whatever.
Write back.

happy black friday lol
yah that sucks and whats with the girl being a sword?? lol

Yep, Happy Black Friday!
Have no clue, you can read more about it in the post I'm about to write.